Awaken Your True Self

What’s the Deal with This Kundalini Energy Thing?

Imagine your body is a river. Sometimes, that river gets a bit clogged up with leaves and branches, and the flow slows down. That’s kinda like what can happen to our energy.

As a bit of a spiritual plumber, I help unclog those energetic drains. My unique approach allows me to get that energy flowing again, and boom - you feel more relaxed, more energized, and more in tune with yourself.

Some people call this energy “Kundalini.” It’s like a supercharged battery pack that’s just been sitting there, waiting to be activated. When we turn it on, it can help us feel more balanced, more focused, and more connected to our inner selves.

The cool thing is, everyone’s experience is different. It’s like a personalized energy spa treatment. You might feel a tingling sensation, a rush of warmth, or even a sudden urge to burst into spontaneous dance. Whatever it is, it’s your unique journey.

My method is called Kundalini Shaktipah Transmission. I close my eyes and let my Kundalini guide me. It's as if my energy is in dialogue with yours. It's very precise, very intuitive. It's as if our two energies are having a secret conversation about where we need to work. That's what makes each session unique and surprising.

It's a very special wellness experience. Imagine a massage for your soul, only more subtle. You'll relax deeply, and your consciousness will rise. Together, we'll rebalance your energy, so that you feel more in harmony with yourself. It's like spring-cleaning for your inner energy.

Experience the Awakening of Your True Self through the Kundalini Shaktipat

Dive into the magic of Kundalini awakening and unlock the door to a new dimension that will transform your existence.

Amplify Your Vibrational Frequency

Explore the awakening process of your Kundalini and experience your own gifts.

Awaken Your Kundalini

Fully embrace your spiritual evolution, transcending the limitations of the physical realm and cultivating a deep connection with the universe and your true self.

Energy Healing

Discover how to release physical and psychological pains from the past to restore the harmony and balance of your energy.

Transformative Self-Hypnosis

Empowering self-hypnosis and learn the technique and how to use it on a daily basis to change your life.

The hidden power of your mind

Discover the technique that enables you to access your subconscious at will, unleash its incredible power, and awaken your Kundalini.


It's so simple that anyone who can read can transform their life through self-hypnosis.


Within the first few days, you'll begin to see the first signs of the spectacular transformation that awaits you.